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FREE 3-line advertisements. No business adverts or services will be included in the classified section.
Please let us know when your items sell or you no longer require it to be listed. Thank you!
7x5 cage trailer - $1200 | 0439 964 011
2012 Nissan Navara D22, 5 speed manual, complete with fire fighting tank, pump, hose, good condition, unlicensed - $6, 000 | 0439 957 104
Taylor Blue Line size 3, Taylor Red Line size 4, plus bowling arm and bag - $680 | Graham 0429 992 259
Yamaha, 2.4kva, like new, not needed now, cost $2,000 - sell $500 | Phone 0429 922 470
Yamaha, 2.4kva, like new, not needed now, cost $2,000 - sell $500 | Phone 0429 922 470
Weld-King MIG-105P, 90amp, no gas - $100 | Phone 0429 922 470
Kelvinator, old but efficient - sell $50 | Phone 0429 922 470
Simpson 7.5kg Washing machine - $100 | Bedside cupboard - $5 | Treadle sewing machine - Offers | 2 x wood kitchen chairs - $5 each | Glass shower screen - $50 | Phone 0448 133 409
Kawai upright - Contact Andrea for details 0427 626 484
Euro Bed Queen Mattress - with built in motor pump (used twice) - $50 | 0438 363 741
Quintrex 4.45m, ex cond, 40hp Yamaha 2-st, 2 year old Trailit trailer, elec winch retrieve, Garmin plotter, marine radio, craypot winch & tipper, EPIRB, flares
$15,000 | 0400 554 645
Furno radar - 90 mile range - $250 | Peter 0439 997 144
Suitable for bait and Fridge/freezer suitable for beer fridge
$100 each ONO | 0429 456 196
Various household items - Computer desk - $25 | Cane bar stool - $20 | Oval 6 seater white plastic outdoor table - $100 | 5 x white plastic outdoor chairs - $10 each | 4 x white leather bar stools (as a set) - $5 each | 3/4 single bed base, as new - $25 | 0400 929 995
Fully insulated with aircon office. Store room & ablutions. Available July 1st 2024
Call Tim Bailey - 0428 939 441
4-person, Segal
$300 | 0439 997 144
Approx 60 inch, in working order, top box included
Call Wayne 0409 292 225
Cold air, 12 months old, ideal for room or caravan
$250 | 0411 797 769
2012 Toyota Troop Carrier, White, V8 turbo, 191,000kms, new brakes, tyres, rims
$51,000 | 0477 861 093
Good condition, laminated
$20 | 0458 528 593
Swagman Off-Road Camper Trailer
$12,000 ONO | 0436 836 512
HYPERTEC 1000VA – has had new batteries installed - would suit small business or home system - $150 | Ph 0419 199 990
All in excellent condition
0419 199 990
Suzuki 2007 DRZ 250 2000ks - Licenced, Excellent order
$3000 | Call Ryan 0438 300 083
Lawn mower - 4-stroke
$50 | June 0419 396 513
Wood working vice - Australian made, Dawn 8", very little use
$100 | 0400 554 645
Washing machines, fridges, dryers, freezers and repairs | 9652 1931
Pilot cordless headset- as new. Asking less than half price
$500 (Would consider offer) | Phone 0438 006 062 or 9652 1313
As new ITM Trade Series 3.5KVA Petrol (unleaded) Inverter Generator including extra parts. Hardly used. Jurien Bay address
$650 | Lionel 0403 341 983
Canon EFS 18-55mm lens (Manual Focus ) with image stabiliser for Canon Digital SLR camera
$175 | 0419 199 990
Panasonic – Lumix DMC – TZ70 digital camera comes with bag, CD/Manual, charging cable and 16gb SD card.
$125 | 0419 199 990
Prices vary
Call John & Fil 0499 558 433
Need a quote for minor repairs to Colourbond shed (insurance)
Phone Clem 0400 554 645 - Green Head
Commercial shed/shed premises wanted for Dance studio in town. The Jungle Body with Keeley, is hoping to expand to conduct Jungle body classes and Ballet, Jazz, Tap classes for children/adults. If you have the room or space please contact Keeley 0416 922 252
Must have HR Licence | Graeme 0498 008 190
Wanting to buy old, round cane craypots (Sticky Pots) | Call Veronica 0419 270 675
Job opportunities are listed on this page in good faith. The Craytales Newspaper provides no guarantee as to the accuracy or availability of any specific job that may be listed here. Users should be aware that parties that advertise a vacancy may have already filled the position even though it still listed here - please let us know if you encounter this issue so that we can keep the site up to date. The Jurien Bay CRC also cannot guarantee that any position listed on the site will actually attract applications from users, or that any advertisement listed will lead to the placement of a successful candidate.
Job listings are subject to space available on this page - a more comprehensive Jobs Board is located at the Jurien Bay Community Resource Centre, 67 Bashford Street, Jurien Bay
Open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.
Full-time positions - Wages + over-time
Direct Contracting are seeking Two (2) suitable persons who have experience with various plant and equipment in road construction. Tickets not necessary. Suitable candidates will be required to possess a C-class drivers license and either a MR, HR or higher license.
Resumes to:
David Seinor or Terry Powell
For more information contact David 0438 566 579 or Terry 0418 934 287
We are seeking enthusiastic, motivated & experienced Educational leaders, as well as Early Childhood Teachers to join our friendly team at Coastal Kids Care. Our wonderful service is located in the pristine Jurien Bay and is licenced for 28 children. We are seeking an experienced and qualified Educational Leader and ECT to inspire, challenge and extend pedagogy of Educators through joint collaboration at our Not for Profit “Exceeding” service.
You will have the Opportunity to mentor and guide Educators with their practices
Become a part of a dedicated, supportive and friendly team environment.
Have the opportunity to receive Above Award wages for the right employees.
Please send your detailed resume, along with a cover letter to the below address
Coastal Kids Child Care
ATT: Krystal Haskett
PO BOX 353, Jurien Bay WA 6516
35 years experience, good work, good rates - Phone Colin 0473 015 261
Jurien Bay area - Wade Soer 0455 662 985
Linda 0468 850 108
Cut and bound - $4.50 per metre | Tony 0408 959 864
Bobcat and laser level, Jurien and surrounding areas, experienced operator for final levels and general work | Peter Chapman 0427 514 242
Fire breaks slashing, Alta Mare area, cheap rates | 0407 382 577